买了机票后,上网做了很多功课。 终于,3天2夜的计划终于拟出。很幸运的是计划进行顺利,只是时间紧逼,被逼放弃几个景点。
Day 1 :
Penang Int. Airport (10.25am) - Kota Kinabalu Int. Airport T2 (1pm)
Passing through immigration, heading left right after the main entrance of the airport. It's a very lucky day for us that the public bus just arrived. After 30 minutes, the bus stop at Plaza Wawasan Terminal and we only pay RM1.50 per person. From Wawasan Terminal, we take another bus to the city center which cost only 50 cents. Around 2pm, we reached our pre-booked accomodation Tropicana Lodge (double room : RM64 per night). Rest awhile and we go out again at 4pm. All corner of KK town are in walking distance. We walk to the waterfront with a
giant Merlin statue in the middle of roundabout near Hyatt Hotel, and we admiring the sunset there for the evening and the following evening. After that, we have our seafood dinner at the hawker near waterfront, where the price is reasonable and seafood are very fresh! We have out dinner here for 3 nights continuously! After dinner, we went to a supermarket to purchase some dried food for next day Kinabalu park journey. Then go back to hostel to wait for arrival of our rental Perodua Viva 850cc (rental of RM100 per day) at 8pm, and drive around KK city, to KKIA and to UMS.
第一天 :
大约一点抵达亚庇机场二号航。办完入境手续,走出机场大门然后往右边走,很幸运的公共巴士刚好到来,于是等其他人下车后,我们就赶紧上车了。30分钟后,我们来到巴士总站。沙巴的公共巴士都很老旧,总站更是简陋。这是我看过马来西亚最落后的市了。临下车前,我们付了车费,一人RM1.50。然后,再搭大巴到市中心,车费一人50仙。就这样,我们省了RM30的德士费。到达住宿时,已经是下午2点钟。小休后,我们就到市区走走。 走到了一个有蓝枪鱼塑像的环状交叉路,我们就在那里欣赏日落。而过后的两天,我们也在这里看日落。夕阳无限好,只是近黄昏。蛋黄很快沉入海面,天色也很接着昏暗。过后,我们就到附近的海鲜摊享用晚餐。这里的海鲜非常新鲜,价钱也不贵。在亚庇的三个晚餐,我们都到同一摊消费。晚餐后,我们到美丽华购买一些干粮给隔天京那巴鲁国家公园之旅。 8点左右,我们租的车子已经送到住宿楼下,我们在乘着车子到处游荡,去了飞机场和沙巴大学。
Sunset 日落 @ 5.4.13 |
很新鲜的鱼! Fresh! |
卖海鲜的街边摊 |
龙虾 (RM55) |
Perodua Viva 850cc 竟然可以到京那巴鲁公园转一圈!
Day 2 :
Wake up at 6am, and depart at 6.30am, to avoid public buses and tourist van which will start operate at 7.30am. The road are in good condition, and the weather is clear. The driving direction is stated below. This is the only highway to Sandakan or Tawau, and only consist of single lane in both direction, and sometime will have double lane when ascend, but luckily this is not as heavy usage as in Medan, and very safe to drive along. We stopped whenever we see some interesting store at the roadside, bought Bario rice at Nabalu Market, which cost RM20 (weight around 1.8kg). Reached Kinabalu Park about 10.30am. Pay the park conservation fees of RM3 at the guard house. Then I try to drive to Timpohon gate, and found out the road are very dangerous because the road is very curvy and only single lane, so halfway I gave up and drive back to the park HQ. Wonder around the park and we attempt to try for a shortest trail in the park, but end up we give up to trek also, due to the lack of usage of trekking path, and only 2 of us. Next time come with a big group, we may try to trek again!
After that, we heading to Poring Hot Spring which is 40km apart. You just need to show your kinabalu park ticket to the counter, because they are in the same park. When we reach Poring Hot Spring, it already 12 noon! A very long journey... The weather is very unexpected here, in the morning, the sun shine, but afternoon the rain fall, very heavy rain. Luckily we manage to get a bathtub to relax in the warm water. C'est La Vie! There a lot of Japanese tourist here, although raining they still wearing raincoat and walk around. Around 2pm, we heading back to KK town with empty stomach. The rain still go on, and the road is very cloudy, so I have to slow down. after 2 hours of driving, we stop by the roadside and have some "sinalau bakas", BBQ wild boar. Continue our journey back, we stop by rumah terbalik Tamparuli, but due to the time is late, so we did not pay a visit. Around 6pm, we reach KK town, and we managed to catch another sunset at the waterfront again. After dinner and shower, I went to bed at 9pm and sleep until the next morning.
Drive from KK city center to Kinabalu Park Direction :
Head north from city center, which is toward Kudat/Tuaran/Sepanggar/UMS direction, until pass through 1Borneo Mall and Sulaman Anglican Church which is on your left. At the traffic light after Sulaman Anglican Church, turn to the right, and go straight until another traffic light, turn to the left. Then just follow the road sign, Ranau/Tamparuli/Tawau/Sandakan. Along the way, you will pass by the
upside down house. Follow the main road and after 1.5 hour, you will see the Kinabalu Park HQ sign on your left. Drive in the main entrance, there are some parking lots inside the park.
Drive from Kinabalu park to
Poring Hot Spring Direction :
Follow the way to Ranau, you will pass by Kundasang. There are some place of interest i.e.
War Memorial and
Desa Dairy Farm. The continue going forward until a roundabout indicate Ranau at the left, just go straight, as that is Ranau Town. Sometime you will see the road sign of Poring Hot Spring. After that about 15 minutes, you reach another roundabout where no Poring sign, follow the Sandakan way, which should be the left side. Another drive of 10 minutes, the is a sign of Poring Hot Spring point to the left, follow the road sign and you will get to your destination.
为了要避开公车和旅行团,六点半我们就开车前往京那巴鲁公园。地图也没什么帮助,最后向沙大的看守问路,才能顺利地前往目的地。一路上走走停停,沿路都是卖新鲜蔬果的小摊。同时也看到很多天主教堂的路牌,几乎每个小村落都有一座。中途,我们停靠在著名的Nabalu Market,卖一些土产。 想不到这里也有卖Bario高原米。我买了一包,但却没有之前在美里卖的那么还吃,感觉被骗了... 两个小时后,我们到达京那巴鲁公园总部。在入门处,付了3令吉,公园里面有得停车。我尝试把车驾到Timpohon Gate,但走了10分钟,路就越来越弯曲,还差点撞上下坡的面包车。吓得惊心胆跳的... 只好U-turn回HQ。大约九点到达,但神山似乎被雾遮盖着了。长途跋涉却看不到神山真面目,很是遗憾。在京那巴鲁公园逛逛,找照几张相,我们继续到下一站,波令温泉去了。到入口处时,已经有车龙排队要进公园,想必载着的是隔天要登上山峰的人吧! 这是我们就继续往山打根的方向前进大约一个小时。 半路我们就在路边买一些水果果腹,但这里的水果都不是很可口。我想是没有施肥和用农药的关系吧... 水果和蔬菜都瘦巴巴的。到达泼令温泉,只要出示神山公园的门票就可进入了。这里的设施很好,建设了很多可容纳2-3人的浴缸,还有两个水喉,一个是温泉水,一个是山泉水,让我们自己调适合的温度。很幸运的,我们很难快就找到没人使用的浴缸。在这里呆了大概2个小时,还一度泡到睡着了,很危险。间中,还下了一场大雨,看着那些游客下着雨也要撑伞/穿雨衣来参观这个温泉,我们却在享受着泡温泉。从天晴到倾盆大雨,又回到阳光普照,这个真的很感慨大自然的伟大。人类始终还是敌不过天!大约两点,为了避免半夜驾车,我们就起程回亚庇了。回程时,又累又下雨又大雾的,但还是安全的回到家了。大概驾了两个小时,由于累到一度眼睛闭上,只还停在一旁。刚好有卖野山猪肉,我们就叫了一份,味道还不赖!吃完后,又继续赶路了。 途中有弯过去“倒反的屋子”,想要进去参观,但时间不允许,只有在外面看看就走了。终于,我们在黄昏时,到达Waterfront看日落。 今天还多了一道雨后天晴的彩虹。看完日落后就到同一间海鲜摊享用晚餐。回到宿舍后,冲了凉,我已经累垮了,到下睡觉了...
一路上都有一排排买蔬果的小摊子 |
被烟雾遮盖的京那巴鲁山 |
毛毛虫 |
可以容纳二至三人的浴缸。一个水喉是温泉水,另一个是山泉水。可自行调配适合温度。 |
照片说明一切。 沿路上有很多小摊买这个。 |
日落 Sunset @ 6.4.13 |
雨后彩虹 |
Sotong (RM7.50) |
Day 3 :
Woke up at 8am. Planned to hike Signal Hill at 6am, but fail to wake up. After having breakfast, toast, butter and kaya, went to Gaya Street Sunday Market to hunt for souvenir. Bought 2 dried pink starfish with 50 cents each. Around 11am reach Jesselton Point, bought a 2 islands tour and rent snorkelling equipment for 2 person (~ RM101). We visited Pulau Mamutik first, then Pulau Sapi. Shower room and toilet is prepared in the islands. We snorkelling for 2 hours before we felt hungry. There are buffet lunch ready for those luxury tourist, but not for budget local like us. Finally we found the one and only cooperative food store in Sapi island, and have our lunch there. I ordered a sambal prawn rice cost RM8 is very nice, but the fried rice is another story. After lunch we snorkelling for another 1.5 hours. Overall, Pulau Mamutik is cleaner then Sapi, but less coral and fish. Pulau Sapi do have corals but mostly dead. The white sand beaches are very beautiful and laid-back, will definitely go back again!
4.30pm, head back to Kota Kinabalu, went back hostel for shower and have our last seafood dinner in KK before back to home sweet home. Although the airport is just 15 minute away, but the taxi fare was RM30.
7.50pm flight from Kota Kinabalu to Penang, took about 2.5 hours.
第三天 :
原本打算6点起床去爬Signal Hill的,但一直赖到8点才愿意起床。用过早餐后,我们就到星期日的早市广。买了一对粉红色石化海星当纪念品。过后,我们就步行前往Jesselton码头。码头里有几间船运公司,价钱都差不多,我们就快手快脚的买了双岛配套+码头费+海洋公园保养费+浮浅装备。我们先到 Pulau Mamutik,然后才过去Pulau Sapi。每座岛都有小码头,所以不用担心下船时会弄湿。一上岸,就是一大堆帐篷,准备着自助午餐给于报名豪华团的游客,所以自助团的我们只能眼睁睁的看着食物咯~ 岛上都有露天花洒和冲凉房,不用担心海水粘粘的。
1点,我们回去码头等船来接我们过去Sapi。船夫都很不准时,讲好1点,但我们却等超过30分钟。又饿又晒,身体粘粘湿湿的真不好受。未来希望马来西亚人可以更准时吧!到达Sapi时简直就是饿晕了!在岛上找到唯一一间买食物的合作社,由于生意太好,还要等1个小时,但能如何? 我点的那份sambal 虾配白饭,味道还不错,但炒饭就难吃。 吃饱后,继续浮浅,但由于吃太多了,导致反胃,所以游不久后我就上岸了。整体来说,Mamutik比Sapi清洁,游客也较少,珊瑚也少。Sapi的珊瑚和鱼较多,但很多珊瑚都已经死了,让我很是失望。为了安全,这几座岛都放置绳子规定游泳和浮浅的范围,但岛上却没几位救生员,而且官方不会对任何意外负责任,所以都是at your own risk。
4.30pm, 我们就准备坐船回到亚庇市区。回到宿舍冲过凉后,我们又光顾同一间海鲜档,吃最后一顿丰富又新鲜的亚庇海鲜大餐咯!我会一直怀念沙巴的新鲜海鲜的!
7.50pm,登上飞机飞回槟城了。 为旅程画上美丽的句号。
Pulau Sapi |
Little Fish!!! a lot! |